domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Study+Hobbies= the best way to learn (constructionism psychology)

 Some teachers and modern psychologists said that yesterday, and today, the study is BOOORING, and now we (teachers) might to find the way to make it interesting and funny for children. Then they could want to go to school and keep learning, because it's "so so funny".

So, why can't students do what they want (hobbies. I mean, some game, play music, sing, dance, whatever) and study at the same time? What if I do this two things, TOGETHER? In my case, I learned I can study Competencia Lingüística analyzing every sentence in the lyrics of my favorite bands ;)
(I know it's an horrible photo. Anyway, my fingers say HI)


Since a few weeks ago, I started to watch some interviews from Youtube, without subtitles, of course. Now I know I'm really good listening English, but the last time I become nervous speaking English (not when I talk with foreing people. It's just happen in my Speaking Tests). Because of that, I'm using this interesting tool to try to strengthen my listening, and at the same time keep my vocabulary and make it grow up (tomorrow I'm going to have my Speaking Exam. omg. omg, omg, omg...! :c)

(Matthew, Matthew, you talk way too bad!  Give me a few years and I swear I could speak so better than you xD)

(Bravo! I could understand almost all you said :'D)

So, what do you think? 'Cause I think It's a fantastic idea.

(Holly shit, Why am I so smart? *-*).

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